Declaration |
Description |
typedef int (*fptr)(int, int); fptr fp; |
fp is a function pointer which can hold the address of a function which takes two integers as a parameter and returns an integer |
typedef int fptr(int, int); fptr *fp; |
fp is a function pointer which can hold the address of a function which takes two integers as a parameter and returns an integer |
typedef int (*fptr)(int, int); fptr fp[10]; |
fp is an array of function pointers where each function pointer can hold the address of a function which takes two integers as a parameter and returns an integer |
typedef int fptr(int, int); fptr *fp[10]; |
fp is an array of function pointers where each function pointer can hold the address of a function which takes two integers as a parameter and returns an integer |
typdef int (*fptr)(int, int); fptr fun(fptr) |
fun is a function which takes a function pointer as an arguement and returns a function pointer |
typdef int fptr(int, int); fptr *fun(fptr *) |
fun is a function which takes a function pointer as an arguement and returns a function pointer |